Suanthai Restaurant

看了永远吃不肥2,我真的有好多buffet places 想去尝试。由于我还没试过泰式buffet,就找了几个朋友和我一起去尝一尝。

节目里透漏说这里的服务有多好就有多好,可是我们真有点失望的。虽然是打了电话订位的,但是经理不够专业,只顾着要让更多客人可以吃到他们的食物,坚持我们在一个小时之内就能把食物用完,马上离开。他的态度真的令我差点都没味口吃下去了。但井然都跟朋友去到哪儿,就算了吧。我们只好到外头坐,还没点菜就好像被则问一样,问我们是不是有voucher 才有备而来的。让我更加生气了。他们这样kiasu的态度或许只会赶走客人吧。


steamed tapioca never goes wrong, unless not fully cooked..

salads were good ( pomelo:left and mango: right), refreshing and crunchy!

Thai Green Curry and Spring roll

stir fried seafood with special sauce

chicken skewers with thai chilli sauce, i found this rather normal and don't understand why it's a one serving only dish.

eggplant with minced meat. this was a tad spicy and it's nice with white steamed rice!

iced red ruby which we took from the buffet table. it's nice given that i'm eating it for the first time!
但以这个价钱(晚餐价格是20块左右)是满值得去吃的。我们点了几乎有99%of the menu。 和你们介绍其中几样吧!如果想找个便宜又能吃的饱的餐馆,这家泰式ala-carte buffet是能考虑的,不过要是服务和食物要求高的朋友们可能会觉得不怎么合胃口。应该是不会在回去了吧><


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