I suddenly felt the urge to share about my chocolate adventures. I had the Chocolate almond tart watching the Channel 8 food show last night. First time going to Rochester Mall! But it was fully occupied, i guess everyone else was like us, so eager to try this featured outlet. We shared this super dense chocolate tart, and the crunchy almonds on top was a perfect match to this lovely tart...
My all time favourite cheesecake is from Alan Bakes but it recently closed down due to the fact that it's cheesecake only receives response from regulars. Very sad because my aunt has ordered whole cheesecakes from him for at least 5 times ever since we first tried the cake at its shop. One of the best cheesecake around and i have yet to find a replacement for this yet. :(
The chocolate fudge cake from Marmalade Pantry is my all time favorite, i have ever eaten one on my own before because it is really addictive! I love the fact that fudge cakes always don't disappoint because they are usually very rice with layers and layers of chocolate!
I like the tarts from Everything With Fries too! That's why we bought the whole tart home, who on earth will buy such a big tart home the moment you tried and fell in love with it? Anything with peanut butter is fantastic, and that of course includes chocolate.
Awfully Chocolate has never failed to wow their fans with their classic cakes and hei ice cream, same goes for the cupcake which gives surprise towards the centre of it, I shouldn't elaborate further and let you discovery this mysterious cupcake on your own!
The cheapest indulgence here would be the double choc muffin from Starbucks, the reason why i like it is because when i have a sudden chocolate craving, i can satisfy myself almost anywhere. This unappealing muffin really has its power to create the wow factor in me. So i hope it'll do the same to you!
Chocolate almond tart from Pies & Coffee, Rochester Mall |
Chocolate Cheesecake from Alan Bakes ( closed ) |
Chocolate Fudge Cake from Marmalade Pantry |
Chocolate cupcake from Awfully Chocolate |
Chocolate brownies from Posh, Dhoby Gaut Exchange |
Layered Chocolate cake from Awfully Chocolate |
Nutella Tart (with Peanut Butter Tart beside) from Everything With Fries |
Double chocolate muffin from Starbucks all outlets |